More POWER down to 1OHM

The 2015 Nuclear Amplifier line starts with brand new 4Channel and Mono Amp

GZnuclearamp2Ground Zero´s Nuclear Amplifier line “GZNA” has become very well known for extremely powerful and massive analogue full-range as well as strong mono class D amplifiers. Beside their power-oriented performance, all Nuclear amplifier models become popular through their impressive low impedance-load stability. With the first two new models, GZ starts a new generation from now on. Both of these brand new amps, the 4Channel “GZNA 4330XII” and the Mono “GZNA 1.2550DXII”, will be 1Ohm stable per channel. They come with high current dual power supplies guarantying this excellent power stability, equipped with double layer PCBs with wide circuit path for high damping factor, SMD-Technology for better efficiency, and high quality gold plated Terminals and RCA connectors.

Their impressive aluminum heat sinks, delivering perfect cooling and performance, were developed in the same outer dimension, which improves visual appearance when combined in the same installation. Moreover, Nuclear amps come in the same heat sink design as their brothers in the lower Hydrogen line launched only a few months back. Concerning power rating and features, the specifications of both models are impressive:

The analogue 4Channel GZNA 4330XII provides the output power of 4x 240/420/650W @ 4/2/1 Ohm and 2x 1300Watt in 2Ohm bridge-mode, besides and excellent Sound Quality performance. Ist multifarious filter sections, including a wide high / low and band pass filters up to 3kHz and a variable phase-shift on channel 3&4, allows full-active 2 way setups as well as 3 Channel configurations using bridged subwoofer. That’s why a dedicated bass remote is included for control. The brand new Class D Mono amplifier GZNA 1.2550DXII, which replaces the famous GZNA 1.2500DXII, is rated with tremendous power of 1x 1100/2000/3100Watt @ 4/2/1 Ohm to the subwoofer. If that’s still not enough, two GZNA .2550DXII can be linked together to realize 6200Watt @ 2Ohm. Same as with the previous model, all of the necessary filters and options, such as adjustable low pass / subsonic / phaseshift and bass boost, bass remote and an additional full range RCA output are included.

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