Monster Car Audio in Salzburg


Monster Car Audio signed a Reservation for a booth at the 2015 CarMediaWorld in Salzburg. The traditional manufacturer is on the way to increase it´s European activities. 

On May 21 2013, Monster Inc. USA based Corporation and E:S Corporation. Japan signed the license agreement. Monster Inc. allowed E:S Corporation uses of Monster Car Audio brand to produce the Car Audio related products and distribute in the world wide.

E:S Corporation has been distributing Monster Cable products in Japan since 1995 and always top of the students whom carries Mr. Noel Lee’s heartfelt messages to the market.

Harry Omae the President of E:S Corporation became the Head Monster of Car Audio products. His career in car audio started from USA in 1975. Now this car audio Monster started to look into unique products and new marketing concept which will push up the Monster reputation. Now Monster Car Audio is looking for the aggressive distributor in each European Country.