EMMA Industry Meeting in Bad Vilbel: More show, more brands, more action in Salzburg 2017

WP_20160405_16_23_04_Pro_LIThe EMMA management and 15 representatives from leading car media providers met for a brainstorming and exchange of experiences at the German headquarters of JVC/Kenwood. The focus was on the figures, facts and perspectives around the current market situation as well as on 2016’s and 2017’s prominent occasions and activities of the car media segment. The consideration of upcoming projects like Tuning World Bodensee,

Automechanika Frankfurt and Essen Motor Show was followed by a very enthusiastic and constructive discussion – particularly about next year’s edition of CarMediaWorld, EMMA Eurofinals and Head Judge Training in conjunction with the Auto Messe Salzburg. In 2017 EMMA and its partners expect even stronger industry participation and an increasing number of international event- and fair visitors, which calls for creative ideas to again improve the trade show concept but also opens new possibilities for an outstandingly prosperous and exhilarating show and business event.