The complete Re-Design of the High End Reference amplifier line, The “Reference SYM´s”
In this summer, GZ will introduce the latest generation of their High End Sound Quality amplifier, the famous Reference Line. Over the last 5 years, all of these Reference Amps were setting sound Performance standards in their categories, most of them have been awarded around the world. The brand new generation, so called “Reference SMY´s” is technically a complete Re-Design based on a 2-year development process.
The most significant change of these new “SYM´s” is the absolute symmetrical layout of the PCB. After these structural change on the primary side of the amp, its power supplies could not only be separated electrically, but also physically. In other words: The Reference 4SYM (4-Channel version) can be considered as a “Dual-2-Channel amp”, the Reference 2SYM (2-Channel version) is actually a “Dual-Mono-amp”, a concept which actually derived from the Reference PURE amps.
Both of the new “Reference SYM´s” are coming with Burr-Brown OP-Amps and Mundorf M-Caps, which were exclusively developed and produced for Ground Zero. The well known Bias-Setting allows a wide range from Class AB to nearly Class A mode. And through the illuminated Plexiglas bottom, more of the selected High End parts become visible, such as the Sanken transistors which are made in Japan.
Unlike their PURE brothers, both Reference 2SYM and 4SYM will feature all needed filters and crossovers, which allows a variety of use. But they also allow to bypass these functionalities, as their predecessors did.
What´s left to say are the impressive power ratings:
The “Reference 2 SYM” is rated with 2x 420/750/1150 Watt (4/2/1Ohm), the “Reference 4 SYM” delivers 4 x 150/270/425 Watt.