1, 2, 3…Ground Zero rock`s the Show!

Ground Zero will be again the Highlight of the EMMA Salzburg event inMarch, for the third time in a row.

Ground Zero at SalzburgWhen EMMA Europe calls to the EMMA European Championships coming March, it will be already presented under the new “CarMediaWorld” (CMW) roof concept, which again is connected to the “Automesse Salzburg”. Famous from previous years, the Ground Zero booth will be definitely one of the highlights of the whole event; Ground Zero will also continue its enthusiastic investment by taking the main sponsorship.

“Our industry needs a place to meet and to promote itself” says Ground Zero´s CEO Karl Felix Lautner and points out the international Business-to-Business character of the event. “That´s why the key player of this industry will and should support the brand new CarMediaWorld concept”. In fact, Ground Zero alone expects international guests coming from up to 40 European and Asian countries to Mozart´s hometown this year. To all of them and of course to all the local dealers and end-users, GZ will present key items of the 2015 product line up.

On top of this, brand new products will premier and showed to the public for the very first time: With the “2015 Reference PURE amps”, GZ will launch this Summer probably the best In-Car Sound Quality amplifier ever built. At the same time, GZ will introduce new “Radioactive Micro Amps”, which will be among the smallest powerful Class D amps in the market.

As every year, Ground Zero shows spectacular Show vehicles. One of these “eye catchers” will be the “GZ SoundFlyer” a miniature truck made in Japan, which can play far over 170dB in a dedicated chamber. The GZ show girls will not only attract visitor’s eyes, but also lead their view to a few more incredible cars, such as the “Ground Zero Mini”, which was built and customized in around 3.000 hours in a small 12sqm garage in Finland.

The CarMediaWorld will take from 20th until 22nd of March, Ground Zero´s main booth can be found in the Salzburg Arena right infront of the main stage. In addition, GZ will be found with a second booth in Hall 10 where the Double European EMMA SQ Champion Car will show his winning car. To the main booth, Ground Zero invited the American Manufacturer of the famous “TermLAB SPL Meter”. Wayne Harris from WHE, Inc. will introduce the new TermLAB Magnum, which is officially certified by EMMA Global and will be used on this year ESPL finals.

For more information please visit www.ground-zero-audio.com

About Ground Zero
Founded in the late 90s, Ground Zero matured to become one of most respected car audio brands in the world. Ground Zero is trademarked globally and distributed in over 60 countries. The product range encompasses speakers, subwoofers and amplifiers for High End SQ (Sound Quality), SPL (Sound Pressure Level), and a vast range of essential sound components – all of them engineered in Germany. In countless tests and reviews, many of the 300+ products have earned awards or are consistently placed by the winner circle with outstanding ratings for price/performance ratio, quality and sound.